Improve your sporting performance with bioresonance
Bioresonance is an effective solution for sportsmen and women who have to cope with heavy, sustained physical exertion. It provides invaluable support against muscular pain and inflammation.
The bioresonance acts under the effect of electromagnetic frequencies to :
TARGET and BALANCE deficiencies in the nutrients and hormones needed for good mental and physical cohesion.
AID tissue oxygenation and general muscle stimulation, essential during training and on competition day.
HARMONIZE the emotional, because it's important to put emotions aside and know how to manage stress. This will enable you to excel on the big day and achieve your goals.
PROVIDE emotional and physical comfort during injury phases for faster recovery.
Manage your emotions to perform
The stress and psychological pressure of expecting results can put a damper on your sporting performance.
The bioresonance is a considerable asset for athletes, as it helps to rebalance the body's dysfunctions and restore a state of well-being.
Become better at your discipline
Even if you're persistent in your training, don't underestimate your physical and emotional capabilities.
That's why our scanners, the
and the
QuantaScan Pro
help you regain your self-confidence, improve your physical performance and recover your energy levels during and after sport.
The benefits and advantages of bioresonance in sport
Sports performance
Muscle injuries
Physical pain - physical injury
Back pain
Pain control
Physical stress
Emotional stress
Blood circulation
This initial stage requires special attention to prepare the body and mind. It includes the following points:
- RESPIRATION adapted to each sporting discipline. It is essential for good energy stimulation and optimal oxygen supply.
- HORMONAL MONITORING and NEUROTRANSMETTE evaluation. They are crucial for biochemical balance from both a physical and emotional point of view: stress management, recuperative sleep, optimal memory and stamina.
- VITALITY / ENERGY, also known as vital force, life intelligence, Qi or Prana, is the very essence of life. Identifying enemy foods and taking stock of your minerals, amino acids and vitamins is essential to maintaining your energy levels at their highest.
All determining factors must be identified and integrated into the training process in order to aim for maximum performance:
- MUSCULAR STIMULATION prepares the body not only for constant effort, but also for the sustained, intense effort of competition.
- CONCENTRATION: emotional management is the action of mobilizing all your mental and physical faculties for an action, by releasing your emotions for a BODY/SELF connection to the thousandth of a second and optimal stress management.
- CONTROLLING PAIN enables you to excel on the day of the competition. Bioresonance naturally supports the ability to produce endorphins to manage physical pain and go further.
Recovering well is essential to facilitate the resumption of training and competition:
- MUSCULAR TRAUMATISM, JOINTS and CICATRISATION. Accidents are common in sport, often due to intense and prolonged exertion.
- The most common type of PAIN is damage to the intervertebral discs. They can have several origins: bad posture, pinched nerves, osteoarthritis, falls...
- BIOFEEDBACK offers a wide range of solutions for rapid recovery from trauma and accidents. It acts not only on the pain but also on the cause, stimulating the production of collagen and endogenous endorphins.
- RECOVERY is the key to a rapid return to competition. Regain inner calm, balance all nervous, physical and mental tensions for a rapid and profound recovery.
The world's most gifted professional athletes have understood that with bioresonance it's possible to prepare the mind for physical challenges.
They include Novak Djokovic, Cristiano Ronaldo, Tiger Woods, Philippe Candeloro, Romain Cardis and many others...
Source: Article in Le monde - Newspaper by Thierry Lardeux