Bioresonance for the prosperity of your plants

Bioresonance allows you to look after your plants in a different way. Did you know that your plants react to the frequencies of certain sounds in their environment? Frequencies are therefore totally involved in the biological processes of living organisms.

Bioresonance & plant photosynthesis

Researchers from London's renowned University College, Alexandra Olaya-Castro and Edward O'Reilly, published in 2014 in " Nature Communications " (article number 3012). article in which they claim that biological macromolecules use quantum processes to perform PHOTOSYNTHESIS (process by which green plants synthesize organic matter using light energy, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen).

According to the two physicists, some of the molecular vibrational states of chromophores facilitate the transfer of energy during the photosynthesis process and contribute to its efficiency. So, when two chromophores vibrate, some of the energies associated with these collective vibrations of the two molecules are such that they correspond to transitions between two electronic energy levels of the molecules. A resonance phenomenon occurs, resulting in a transfer of energy between the two chromophores.

Music enchants plants


Ancient civilizations, from China to Bolivia, understood that song and music could help crops fight pests and grow more harmoniously and fertile. This traditional historical practice had fallen into disuse, but is now making a strong comeback thanks to advances in quantum physics, which show that frequencies are involved in the biological processes of living organisms. Joël Sternheimer, a French scientist, has been studying this biological process for some forty years, creating a new scientific discipline, "Genodics", a combination of music and genetics.


Joël Sternheimer discovered that the vibration of protein production creates a melody that can be transposed audibly. By broadcasting the music produced by this creation of the living, the target organism enters into resonance, promoting this process of regeneration and life.

He gave the melody produced the name " Proteodie".

Joël Sternheimer, a pupil of Louis Broglié, filed a patent in 1992, which was recognized in 2008 by the Central Patent Office following a court ruling.

For the past ten years, the company he founded has been marketing the applications of this patent. Thanks to this discovery, specific proteodies can be produced in just a few days to help a plant grow harmoniously or defend itself against potential invaders. This technique has met with great success among winegrowers in the fight against esca and mildew, which decimate the vines.

Every particle of matter, from the tiniest to the largest, has a wave nature, and it is possible to calculate the frequency of the quantum wave associated with any particle of matter.

The frequencies of these particles are organized by simple harmonic relationships. Amino acids associate with each other in a wave-like fashion, producing a musicality that is inaudible to the human ear, but which can be transposed into audible form. It is through their vibratory state that amino acids are able to associate with ribosomes, the carriers of messenger RNA, to create the proteins of living matter.

Any chain of amino acids can be transposed into melody and communicate with the inner light inherent in each particle, in its own internal space.

Plants, in your living room, may not have ears, but they do react to the frequencies of certain sounds in their environment.

So why shouldn't they react to sweet melodies like we do? Should you play Mozart for them to blossom?

Joël Sternheimer, French scientist and physicist

Joël Sternheimer considers that the subject is within the substance itself, and manifests itself harmonically. Recognizing the subject dimension in bacteria and viruses enables us to establish a dialogue in a language of frequencies and silence.

The different levels of matter, whether living or non-living, are harmonized by a scale wave that links them and enables them to communicate and exchange information.

Proteidia can communicate with the organism and its components thanks to the existence of these scale waves.

As soon as the organism picks up a melody that corresponds to a need, the information enters internal resonance and interaction can take place, stimulating the chosen process. Playing the melody that corresponds to protein production amplifies the rate of protein synthesis.

By transposing the melody of certain proteins, we find well-known tunes such as :

- some Mozart music (prolactin stimulation)
- Pachelbel canon (anti-stress)
- "Ringo no ura", Japanese "apple song" (to stimulate the birth rate)
- the nursery rhyme "À la Claire fontaine"...

Jean-Marie Pelt, President of the European Institute of Ecology

Jean-Marie Pelt supports the work of French physicist Joël Sternheimer:

"Through this original research at the crossroads of molecular biology and quantum physics, Joël Sternheimer may be giving us one of the keys to the effects of music on plants".

In his book "Plantes et aliments transgéniques", Jean-Marie Pelt regrets that :

"Genetic engineering superbly ignores the wave aspect of matter, so characteristic of quantum physics, and focuses solely on its corpuscular aspect. An amputation it may one day have to repent. Genodics opens the way to another, more responsible dimension, which consists of including it in the field of life. It establishes a dialogue to restore homeostasis.

Corinne Bongioanni

Sources :

"Les langages secrets de la nature", Jean-Marie Pelt, Fayard.

"Music of elementary particles", Joël Sternheimer, Compte rendu de l'Académie des Sciences, volume 297, series 2.